Kirk Rudy 535 tabber

Product ID: 15915

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Make: Kirk-Rudy
Model: 535 tab master

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Kirk Rudy model 535 Tabber / Tabmaster. 

PERFORMANCE: Just like other KR equipment, the KR 535 performs day in and day out. Production rates in excess of 40k tabs per hour combined with a roll capacity of nearly 50k tabs makes the KR 535 another real deal - productive, reliable and simple to operate. The KR 535 is engineered to perform with less operator training and setup time.

VERSATILITY: All major types of tabs as well as pressure sensitive stamps and labels of various shapes and sizes can be placed on a wide assortment of products.



  • Min. Stock Size 3"X5"
  • Max. Stock Size 11"W X14" L
  • 120 Volt AC
  • Crated Weight 800Lbs.
  • Single and Double Tabs @ 30K per hour
  • Min. Tab: .75" round
  • Max Tab: .2.0" round

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